Durham Region Transit's Accessibility Spotlight
Stay tuned for our monthly spotlight highlighting all the accessible features of our transit service!
Accessibility features on DRT's website |
Durham Region Transit (DRT) uses various technologies to promote accessibility and enhance the browsing experience. Our website is compatible with screen-readers, which assist persons with visual impairments or limitations. It also provides language translation options. For customers using the DRT On Demand service, DRT offers three methods to book and view historical and upcoming trip bookings. This can be done through the DRT On Demand Transit mobile application, the On Demand website and portal, or by calling 1-866-247-0055 and pressing 1 (for those who are hearing impaired use Bell Relay via 711) over the phone. Customers travelling on a scheduled bus route can obtain real-time schedule information by entering their bus stop number on the DRT website using the Next-Ride tool or the trip planner on the main page. Another option is to send a text to 1-844-714-7269, or call 1-866-247-0055, and select option 3 (Bell Relay via 711). You will receive information for all bus routes arriving at your selected bus stop within the next 60 minutes. DRT wants to hear from you! Share your comments, experiences and service enhancement requests with DRT’s Customer Service team by completing a Customer Comment Form, sending an email to DRTHelps@durham.ca, or by phone at 1-866-247-0055 option 2 (Bell Relay via 711). |
Requesting your stop on a DRT bus |
Is your stop approaching? Notify your bus operator by pressing one of the red stop buttons or pull on the yellow cords placed throughout the bus. There will be both an automated visual sign and verbal announcement for all upcoming stops. Once a stop is requested, there is a visual signal, “stop requested,” which will appear on the sign at the front of the bus, along with the auditory signal, and a “ding” noise to confirm that the request was received. If the automated service announcement is not functioning, the operator will verbally announce all bus stops. If you do not press the red stop button or pull on the yellow cord, the bus operator will not stop and will continue with the route.
Handholds, handrails, grab bars, and stanchions |
Durham Region Transit (DRT) buses are equipped with grab bars, handholds, handrails, and stanchions (barriers) for passenger safety. These accessible safety features are conveniently located throughout the bus to assist passengers with boarding, moving around the bus, and finding stable support when standing or sitting. The grab bars, handholds, handrails, and stanchions are bright yellow for easy visibility and are designed to be sturdy, smooth, and free of sharp edges. DRT encourages all standing passengers to use these devices for extra support while travelling.
Courtesy and priority seating |
All DRT buses include both courtesy and priority seating. Priority seating is at the front of the bus, behind the operator, and is available to customers using a mobility aid (e.g. walker and cane) or who would otherwise benefit from a seat. Customers with invisible disabilities have the same right to access priority seating as passengers with visible disabilities. If the bus is full, or priority seating areas are occupied, customers using a mobility aid may need to wait for the next bus to ensure that they can be safely accommodated while travelling. Courtesy seating is directly behind priority seating and is available for customers who may benefit from having a seat near the front of the bus. In these instances, DRT asks that customers do the right thing and give up their seat to a passenger in need. Both priority and courtesy seating sections are labelled on DRT with the below signs.
DRT designated mobility aid areas |
All Durham Region Transit buses have a minimum of two designated mobility aid securement areas, as highlighted below. Securement is not mandatory, and customers will have to notify the operator if they wish for their mobility aid, to be properly secured. All DRT operators are trained in the proper securement techniques to ensure safety of both the customer, the mobility aid, and passengers. When not being occupied by a mobility aid, this area has folding seats to allow for additional seating on the bus.
Accessible boarding with DRT |
DRT buses offer fully accessible boarding. Our low-floor (no stairs) kneeling buses can physically lower the bus to the same height of the curb and DRT buses are also equipped with a folding ramp. If you require the folding ramp to board, advise the operator, who will be happy to deploy the ramp. Be sure to position yourself with the front doors, approximately a couple metres away from the edge of the curb, allowing space for the doors to open and the ramp to be deployed. |
Bus route number and final stop destination announcement |
When the bus arrives at a stop, the bus route number and final stop destination will be electronically displayed on both the front and side of the bus and will be audibly played out loud. These accessible pre-boarding announcements are available on all DRT buses. If you miss the announcement or are unsure, you can always ask the DRT operator, who would be happy to assist you.
Accessible transit stops |
Did you know? |